CEO Circles

CEO Circles are peer groups for founders and CEOs facilitated by a Sanity Labs coach. These circles serve as a unique space to gather, share challenges and learnings, be honest in a safe environment, and connect deeply with other leaders navigating complex territories to unlock new perspectives and feel supported.

Facilitated by seasoned coaches from Sanity Labs, who bring their experience as former founders and exceptional individuals to the table, these spaces open the door for connection and breakthroughs.


How often do circles meet?

Most circles meet monthly for 80 minutes.

What kinds of people will be in my circle?

We filter for personality, goals, and openness to deep work. Your circle may include CEOs from other industries or continents; we have found this diversity of perspective adds to the experience. We do offer women-only circles.

Can I try out a circle before deciding?

Yes, of course!

Who can I contact with other questions?

Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be sure to get in touch with you promptly.

“Our circle helped me to see how many of the challenges I felt alone in were shared by others. Being a CEO feels like a lonely island, but when you work with others, you quickly realize that most everyone struggles with similar problems.”

Brandy Whalen

Co-founder & CEO at Kitcaster